You will have to forgive me. My life has recently become a little bit busier, as my money paying job has turned full time. Providence is moving and shaking and rearranging, and as a result my job has become a bigger part of my life than I would like. And since my mortgage, electricity, and water people like us to pay for the stuff we use I can't tell Providence to "take this job and....." well you know the rest. As I adjust to full time employee, try to stay an emotionally full time mom and wife, and remember to brush my teeth please bare with me and forgive me when this blog takes a back burner to crazy, busy life. I do, of course, have visions of being super woman and eventually accomplishing everything in one day, but until I find the equation that makes it work, you may have to enjoy the same blog post all week long. I love doing this blog, and I am not willing to stop doing it, I've just got to find my groove. I don't know how many people actually come to see what's going on in the land of the K's, but thank you for visiting.... and if you have any blog ideas, i.e questions, inquiries into something I haven't posted on in a while, one of those "tag" blogs, etc....let me know. It might be helpful not to have to think about what I have to blog about and fold the 14 loads of laundry in my room.
Love to all in in the blog-o-sphere........
Praying for you to find peace and balance! Or if not, then a better job!
Stinkin' mortgage, water and electricity people! Hang in there. We love ya.
I'm sure you will find your groove. You are a strong, capable woman!
Kid pictures are always great. And we won't even require any words with them. Can you tell this is a Grandma talking.
Mom aka Gma
We'll be praying for all of you as you adjust. If only you didn't need a roof over your head, heat and food. We love you. Hang in there.
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