So the bikes came out!!!
There was trying of new tricks (standing up while riding, awesome!)
Playing "try not to hit the dog who is just excited that he is not outside shivering by himself in the backyard"
Troy was getting rid of wood that has been piling up due to the new shed being built, and underneath the pile of wood is the wonderful deliciousness of worms. The chickens are pleased with the sun too.
The chicken chaser extraordinaire got to do what she does best...
And mommy got a really great picture of some really cute subjects.....
Thank the Lord for His sunshine!!!
Amen to that. Did the training wheels come off yet? I'm so glad you all enjoyed this beautiful day.
Mom aka Gma
Yay for sunshine! I love seeing those beautiful toothless smiles, too cute.
Love me some sunshine - and some beautiful granddaughters! :-)
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