After Hazel lost her chicken Sparkles last July, we got her another chicken. This chicken, whom we had for such a short time I forgot her name, died less than a month after we got her. We have no idea why. So Hazel has not had a chicken to call her own for quite a while, that is until a couple of weeks ago. Here is Layla. She is little, so we thought she was still a baby, but she lays eggs every other day and they are consistently very little (see picture below), so we are thinking that she could be full grown. Only time will tell I guess. I kind of like her this size, she is Hazel size.
Tucker is learning to share food with the chickens. Not sure what they are both after here, but Clementine is obviously not afraid of the big yellow dog.
My 2 chicken girls.
A mini chicken who lays mini eggs. That is just too cute. And so Hazel appropriate.
Mom aka Gma
Small eggs for when you want a small omlette. :-)
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