Saturday, June 14, 2014

Family time

I was not a good picture taker apparently when my family was here for the past 2 weeks. But here is some of what I got.

We went to the beach the first day Ryan and Katie were here. It was a beautiful sunny day, but in true Oregon Coast fashion it was very windy too. I took a lot of pictures, but 90% of them were of the backs of kids playing in the ocean.  The kids had a lot of fun playing in the ocean, and we found the Oregonian part of Olivia, the part that is ok getting numb and sandy.

Nolan was a little less interested in getting numb and sandy, unlike Hazel who was soaked and rolling in the sand. 

George and Violet wandered down the beach to some rocks exposed by low tide.

There wasn't a lot of  sea life on the rocks, but there were a lot of little pools and streams that had warm water in them.  Here is Violet with a dam barricade that they built, Corey would be so proud.

The next day we went to the cemetery to let balloons go. This time the kids all attached pictures they drew for Great Grandpa. It is so important to Great Grandma that the great grandkids feel comfortable visiting the cemetery, and that they remember Great Grandpa. I love doing this.

I didn't know it was possible for one family to have so many cute kids.


Anonymous said...

And those are the cutest kids since my own were that age. I love these pictures. Love, MomakaGma

Shawn and Becky said...

Love cousin fun. It always amazes me how quickly they pick up where they left off! Love the balloons and your grandma!