Saturday, June 7, 2014


Yes, I realize it has been a month since I last posted, it's been a bit crazy.

This past week we have had Carrie and Ryan and families in town, so I have a lot of pics to share, but here is just one picture that made me smile. It is a growing friendship and a reminder of how wonderful the blessing of family is. I am very thankful for my sister and brother and the spouses they chose, and the children they are raising. I have so many wonderful memories of my cousins, and I am very happy that my girls are creating wonderful memories too! These 2 were hanging out all week, and found it very hard to say good bye.

More family time pics coming soon.


The Moores said...

So sweet! Nolan said yesterday on the way home "I wanna see Hazel!" :(. Miss you all! Don't have too much fun without us.

Anonymous said...

Gotta get these kids together ALOT more often. These are 2 of my favorite peeps. Love, MomakaGma