Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Laura Needs (yes i stole this idea)

I stole this from Katies blog...I typed in "Laura needs" into google, and got some pretty funny things.......

1. Laura to come eat ( not at my house though, we'll go out)
2.Laura Needs....some post toddler love (This an article about surviving toddlers, how appropriate)
3. Laura Needs....a home. (apparenty there is a dog named Laura in Taiwan. How sweet)
4. Laura Needs...25 cents and 2 fingers ( I'm hoping that this isn't a bad thing)
5.Laura get out more(AMEN)
6.Laura Needs.....3000 pounds (as in european money) more for new legs (only if they are skinnier)
7. Laura Needs.....A clue
8. Laura save at risk kids (I would love to, but they can't all live with me)
9. Yer mom knows what Laura needs

This was really fun . Tell me what you need according to google.


Anonymous said...

my results were way to raunchy (mainly due to jessica alba) to leave on your blog-ask me about it and i'll tell ya. Jessica Van Winkle

Anonymous said...

I typed in Carrie needs, and apparently Carrie Underwood has a lot of needs. Mainly therapy and a boyfriend.