Saturday, August 1, 2009

Better late than never....

Hey, I am only a month behind getting these pictures on here. Here is Hazel's 3rd birthday....

Here she is with her birthday decorations right after she woke up. I always loved this when my mom would do it for me. I hope it is something my girls look forward to every year.

The birthday girl with her sister.

I got her this Fur Berry. It rolls into a ball (like a poppel) and smells like peaches. What will they think of next? =)

Here is her amazing Care Bear ice cream birthday cake!!! THANK YOU mom for getting this! It was absolutely perfect!

It is crazy how time flies. I can't believe I have a 3 and 4 year old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your very welcome. I am so glad my efforts were worth it to make such precious memories for you. I had so much fun doing it for you kids when you were little. I think your dad always thought I was a little silly hanging crepe paper and balloons and setting the table and wrapping presents at 10:00 at night before your birthdays. But for me it was fun and worth it all when you would wake up the next morning and be so happy. Love ya, Mom