Thursday, August 27, 2009

Enquiring minds want to know

I sit at a desk on my rear all day. My brain tends to turn mushy after the first 3 hours of the ailing, narcotic wanting, medical attention seeking phone calls and I get a little like a 4 year old looking for reasons to keep from putting my head on my desk and falling asleep. I fidget, I hum, I go get ANOTHER glass of water. So finally a couple of weeks ago I came up with a brilliant remedy. I took a box of Trivial Pursuit cards to read while I am hold or in between phone calls. As I was reading them, I realized that I really was interested in some of the answers to the questions, so I started making a list of things to look up later, things I had maybe heard of before and just wanted to know history about or things I really had no idea about. Places, events, people, diseases, funny words. After about 4 days I had almost 40 some things. I am going to share my very interesting list with you, and maybe on some of them (depending on how much time I have) I will share some of the interesting things I learned about these subjects.

Fire Island
Eiffel Tower
Bora Bora - I want to go here!
Judy Garland
Marie Currie
History of Islam
Primal scream therapy
Jimmy Hoffa
Crime and Punishment
Big Lake, TX
Gloria Steinem
Jonas Salk
Oscar Wilde
Hanoi Hilton
Pao de Acucar
Erin Brochovich
The gulf stream
King Tuts Tomb
Banzai Pipeline
Peace corp
Twelfth Night
The Citadel
Joseph Smith (the Mormon founder)
Shites and Sunis
Adolf Eichmann

This is not my whole list, but I don't want to over stimulate you. =) I have about 200 more cards to go through! But I think this list might keep me busy for a while. Do any of these interest you? Do you have random things that you have ever been interested in knowing more about?

Keep the brain alive!!!!


Anonymous said...

It'll be great research for that novel you are going to write. Mom

Carrie M said...

More power to you. I should do something like that to keep my brain from withering away, which I'm pretty sure is happening pretty rapidly.