This was a good ole fashioned cheesie romance. Predicable but enjoyable. I wasn't really able to take away anything deep and meaningful, sometimes you just need a little cheese. Laura's scale 1-10 (1 bad-10 good) - 6

I had heard good things about this book, so when I found out the movie is going to be out next month I decided to read it for myself. Loved it. I loved Scooter, she is what I would like to think I would have been back in 1960's Southern USA. Strong, determined, brave, and persistent. Sad at times, made even sadder by the fact that the things that took place in the book probably actually happened time and time again. Highly recommend. Laura's Scale- 10

I just finished this one this weekend. This one is haunting and leaves you thinking about it for days after you finish it, I am still thinking about it. The characters are all so wonderful and different. It is told from the very different points of view of the wife and 4 daughters of a Baptist preacher who takes them all to the Congo as a missionary in the 1960's. Each woman has a different reaction and life experience due to tragedy and war as a result of their time spent in Africa. I want to actually go back and read it again with a yellow highlighter and highlight all of the things that made me go "wow, yeah". LOVED IT! Laura's Scale -11
Great reviews, Laura! Glad you are finding time and enjoying reading this summer! Want to come see me soon and get some more titles? We can talk books and the girls can swim in the lake...
So fun to read your reviews! I wonder if we have the same literary taste? Right now I'd get way too far behind on everything that needs to get done if I started a book. Fortunately there's a long cold winter up ahead and nothing sounds lovelier than cuddling in front of the fire wrapped up in a blanket reading a good book. So, please keep the reviews coming! ; ). Love you!
#1 Yes #2 No #3 No #4 Yes. 2 more books to put on list to read. Thanks for the input. Mom
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