From the look on Violets face you can tell that the first day of 1st grade was a success! So far a whole day of school is right up her alley. You may also notice that she is missing a couple of teeth. This was a fantastically frustrating and traumatic episode, which I feel is going to be the ongoing story until she has lost all of her teeth.
Hazel was a smidgen more nervous about her first day. But did wonderful. I think the poofy pink skirt helped ease things a little bit. =)
I love the first day of school outfits. Those are some pretty adorable girls!
Those really are adorable girls. I'm so glad the Kronewitter blog is back. (Even though I get to see you most every day.) Love, Grandma
Absolutely two gorgeous little gals. My favorite 5 and 6 year olds! :-)
Very nice! You are a great Mom, Laura! I can't recall ever knowing someone who was better. You have invested precious time into precious souls. Your reward will be to be at Heaven's Gate when they walk in. I am proud of who you have become and more proud to be your Uncle! The girls are beautiful, like their Mom. You've done a great job with them! Keep up the good work! I love you! UM
YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! And that's so great that they enjoyed their first day, hopefully it keeps up for the rest of the year! :) LOVE YOU!
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