Monday, July 21, 2014

Let The Memories Begin

We took Violet out to Camp Yamhill yesterday. I spent the time half immersed in my own wonderful camp memories and half in disbelief that I was dropping off my child to be a camper to hopefully create some of her own wonderful memories. Full of water hikes, campfires, singing, and new friends. SO MUCH FUN!

She is  in cabin 3, so from here on out in the years to come she will probably always ask to be in cabin 3, as it is now the BEST cabin ever, and will be the only acceptable option. She is in the same cabin as her friend Allison, which is fabulous. They are peas in a pod.

We got her all set up in her bunk..does she look older in this picture?!? I feel like she looks too old in this picture. I feel like when I go pick her up on Friday, she is going to be 3 inches taller and so independent that she will not need me anymore. I mean...she is in charge of her own showering schedule and choosing what she puts on her plate at meals this week....why would she need me anymore....

Look....she doesn't even need to walk with me anymore. She's got Allison and her new found independence and an open field to play, I'M TOAST!

Ok....maybe not.  She does love me, and will still need me. Because I did this clinging and crying to my mom, and I still need her (even at 36), I guess I'm safe.

This moment was a tough one for both of us. After several tight hug tearful minutes she was able to walk away with the help of friends. I was able to walk away with the knowledge that she is going to have one of the most fun weeks of her life, and that the memories she is creating right now will be memories that she will look back and smile on when she is dropping her beautiful independent amazing daughter off at camp someday.


Shawn and Becky said...

Love that sweet picture at the end. She is going to have so much fun. Can't wait to hear all about it. Excited for her.

Anonymous said...

She is her mothers child. Yep, she is gonna have sooo much fun that she won't want to come home Friday. Love that girl. MomakaGma

The Moores said...

Wow, we're old! I can't believe she's getting to do this, what a great time she'll have. I've already sent her some mail via the camp website. I'll make sure her cousins write to her too. Have fun doing some mommy/Hazel bonding!

Oma Hagen said...

From the pictures I've seen this week - looks like she's having a wonderful, memorable time!

Rebekah said...

I miss good OLD CABIN 5!!!! Ahh....the memories