Almost 7 mos old. The cheeks, oh the cheeks.

3rd birthday. That sun kissed skin. I really am getting a little teary here.

4 years old. The most amazing lashes and beautiful long hair. My pretty girly girl.

4 years old. She really is the most laid back, easy going, funny child I have ever met, and I am not just saying that because I gave birth to her. It's a fact! =)

Happy 5th Birthday!!!
We LOVE you sweet girl!
We LOVE you sweet girl!

Grandmas getting teary eyed too. Where does the time go? I really do have the prettiest, sweetest, smartest, most amazing grandchildren on the planet. Hazel, Grandma loves you very very much. Happy Birthday sweetie. Love, Gma
I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE'S 5!!!! Happy birthday to her, and hope she does something super special. Is she going to do kindergarden this year? Gideon is. He can't wait and Isabelle can't wait to have him in the same school as her. I know your girl will love being together too!
Definitely the sweetest five year old I know! Love her so much!
How did I miss calling her today?!?!?! We love you Hazel and I'm so sorry we missed telling her today and missed the party! Love that sweet girl!
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