Friday, August 29, 2008

I got nothn'

I AM SO SORRY I haven't been posting for a while. I really have nothing interesting going on. The kittens are getting bigger, I am VERY ready to get rid of them. They are starting to use the litter box and eat cat food. It is time for them to go to their new homes, I don't like cleaning the litter box for 2 cats, much less 6!

Violet was singing the church song "This World Is Not My Home" the other day and I heard her singing.... "....I know he will take me through to outer space someday" instead of " I know he'll take me through though I am weak and poor". It's funny how kids hear things. When I was younger I used to think the song "Just A Little Talk With Jesus" said "...when you feel a little prayerful Ernie" instead of " when you feel a little prayerful yearning". I still think about that everytime I hear that song.

The Bratchers are back!!! Yeah! Leonard was hired by the church in McMinnville to be the fulltime preacher. Troy and I are excited to start helping them build up the church in Mac. It is a town of probably over 30,000 people and the 2 churches of Christ combined is about 80 people! We need to pray McMinnville is fertile soil for planting and spreading the Word.

I have started swimming 2-3 times a week. The Olympics inspired me. It is really fun and I like it because you don't feel like your working out until the next morning when your muscles hurt.

I have found my Dream Vacation. A 90 day cruise around the world. It goes to about 35 locations. I am actually researching each destination and planning what I would do at each place. The cruise is outrageously expensive ($20,000 for just the cruise itself), so I will either have to save for about 20 years or win the lottery. But I figure it's good to have goals! =)

We didn't do much for Labor Day. Went to mom and dad's for a barbeque, which was mainly to honor my grandparents who celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on Monday. They make more than half a century of marriage look so easy. Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa.

ANYWAY... Just a few tidbits from this part of the blogging world. I am going to have to start getting out more so I can keep things moving on the thing, or just start taking more pictures.

Have a GREAT short week!

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

That is really funny about Violet singing! So does that mean you guys are going to the church Leonard is preaching at? Are Ryan's parents too? It seems logical for them to combine but I know how crazy church politics are!