Monday, May 18, 2009

Humor for you Monday

Happy Monday. I saw these on another blog and thought they were pretty hilarious, so I thought I would be nice and share...Enjoy.

And this isn't a funny picture....but some of you might like to see Carrie at 32 weeks pregnant with my neice ( who remains nameless at this moment...Alice...Alice....Alice) =)


Ryan and Katie said...

Haha! I saw those on another blog too and thought they were hiarious. YOu would like They post funny graphs every day and I think you can submit your own. Carrie looks soooo cute!! She is such a tiny pregnant person. I still wish she would start a blog....

Ryan and Katie said...

I just emailed you at work about the summer/car stuff. Let me know if you got it...or if you didn't.

Anonymous said...

I seriously thought the graph was about the hamburger type of meat loaf, so it took me a minute to figure it out. But I get it now. Just call me doofus. Mom