HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the moms and moms-to-be out there! You are all amazing and I love you all! (Especially my mom! Because she is the BEST mom in the whole world!!!)

Here are the crazy clothes again.

Here is Violet showing off her bed and Alice. Her hair is now above her shoulders...but pics of that later.

Hazel at the Childrens Museum

Hazel and her crazy eyes. She thinks she is hilarious when she does this...and well....she is. =)

A sweet picture of Violet. I love her smile. It makes me smile.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful Mothers Day Weekend!
Thanks sweetie. I love you too. And yes your girls are certainly adorable, beautiful, sweet (and yes I have to admit, sometimes beyond frustrating). But they are also beyond precious too and I consider myself very blessed to be their Grandma (and your Mom). Happy Mothers Day to you too. Love Mom
I wouldn't say it's all we want, but it's right up there at the top. Happy Mother's day to you too - you are a wonderful mother to those sweet girls and they are very blessed to have you . . . and so is my brother!
Ah! They look so big and grown up! I think they've grown since we were there a few weeks ago! How are Hazel's ears doing? Happy Mother's Day!
Isa and Ian are still dressing up in halloween costumes from almost 2 years ago! Violet's hair cut is adorable in the picture with Tucker, and he looks like he fits right in. Hope you have a nice time wogging with your new protector! =)
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