I have been looking on craigslist a lot lately because we are looking for a dog. I check it probably a dozen times a day, because people are constantly adding new animals to get rid of or "rehome" for $400. I was looking for my potential furry child today and ran across this ( I think) rather humorous listing:

2 goldfish, free to good home. They were tiny babies in our pond last year, we put them in our fish tank when we drained the pond & now they are getting big & need a new home. 1 is about 2" long, the other 4", so they will want either a large tank or pond (they would need to be acclimatized for a pond since they are in 78 degree water now). Good home only, my kids love these fish!
NO JOKE!! Am I alone in my laughter? Last time I checked gold fish were like $.18 and guys used to swallow them at frat parties. Whoever calls this lady on these fish would probably enjoy one of these.....a fish leash. Oh my.

1 comment:
In Oregon I'd believe anything when it comes to stupidity and animals. Love ya Mom
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