Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Song In My Soul

I love this song. And I had no idea that Acappella made videos! =) Some of you might appreciate this song a little more than others. But to me it makes me smile and takes me back to 13 years old. I hope you get it stuck in your head all day! Yeah for a short work week!


Ryan and Katie said...

and the hair is AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Mullets!! Alive and well or was this from the 80s. Love love love the song though. They were and are a great group. Mom I

The Durham Family said...

Wow! We used to listen to this all the time! I started singing with it again, how can you not? Good memories!!

Shawn and Becky said...

I've been singing this all week, well since you posted it. I played it for Cameron and he smiles as we sing and dance around. For some reason I didn't think anything of those awesome mullets back in the day.