Saturday, July 18, 2009

catching up.....

I would have posted a gazillion times with a gazillion pictures from the past couple of weeks, but.... we have been out of town, had company non stop for the past 2 weeks, and I can't figure out how to get pictures on to the computer now that Troy took away my picture program when he cleaned off the computer. So here are a few from other people starting with the 4th of July weekend.

Playing at the park

more playing at the park

Hazel aka "Crazy Eyes"

Troys sister Sarah came home with us for a week and we went bowling while she was here. This was the girls first bowling experience.

Here Violet is giving Hazel some pointers.

This is a good picture to show how long it took for the ball the reach the pins.

Violet doing her happy dance

Violet channeling her inner rockstar

And here is the new family of 5

I promise to get more stuff on here in the next couple of days. I have tons more pics of Hazels birthday, the 4th, bowling, and visitors. I just have to get them on the computer.


Carrie M said...

Those girls are sooo cute. I love Violet's bowling outfit! George and Nolan love to bowl, we'll have to take all the kids bowling together sometime.

Kelsey Craig said...

Why does Carrie look like she didn't just pop a kid out?!

Shawn and Becky said...

Those are cute pictures! And what an adorable family of 5 - Carrie looks great! If you need help downloading the pictures, give me a call I can probably show you another way around.

Anonymous said...

I miss my girls!!! my heart hurts!! I know you are enjoying your vacation right now and not even thinking of us. I finally was able to get some time to check your blog. Keep your pics coming so I can see my girls. miss you so much! We leave for Maui in 4 days! So excited