Wednesday, July 8, 2009

She's here!

Alice Faith Moore
Born 07/08/09
6 lbs 13 oz
20 in

Congratulations Carrie and David!!!!

And congratulations to the big brothers George and Nolan!


The Durham Family said...

She is so precious!! Congratulations Carrie!!

Shawn and Becky said...

Congratulations Carrie and David, and aunt Laura! She's beautiful . . and so tiny!

Oma Hagen said...

Maybe her middle name could be 'sweetie.' :-) Wouldn't Violet would get a kick out of that?!?

Mike and Debby said...

What a Sweetie!
I'm pretty certain that I'm her favorite Great Uncle already! :)
Great job Carrie & David!
Do it again! :)