Wednesday, July 9, 2014

8th Birthday

I thought about cramming the last 2-3 weeks into one post, but decided that that would take TOO long... a lot has been going on.

So we will start with the most important blog of the past few weeks. Our sweet beautiful Hazel turned 8 years old.  When I think about my girls, I really do beam with pride at the sweet wonderful amazing children God has blessed me with. I still can't believe how old they are, and with every year I just adore them more and more. I know that Hazel turning 8 will be just as exciting ( just hopefully not as exciting as the last week....that post is coming)

Here is the birthday morning picture. We went for an understated Monster High theme this year (with a hint of Frozen).

Grandma made the cakes. Big smiles as the Monster High dolls look on.

We had planned a water party in the park, with specific instructions in the invitation to "wear something you can get wet in".  Then it rained ALL MORNING. I was a little concerned, because it's not much fun to have a water fight in the rain, but I had a couple of back up games, and honestly...we are Oregonians. If we can't have a water fight in the rain, we haven't been raised right. 

I decided to head over to the park to decorate the Scout House, which we had reserved just in case it rained. The rain was coming down as I was loading the car with the party stuff, but by the time the decorating was done, and the first kid showed up the sun was out and was starting to look promising. We did cake and presents first to give the sun a little more time to get hot.

Then we went outside for a warm up game of toss the cheese puffs on the shaving cream covered shower cap.

The kids AND adults got a kick out of it.

Then it was on to the water fight. We had 150 water balloons and an assortment of water guns.  This is the water gun to end all water guns...notice the back pack full of water attached to the water gun....notice the devious smile on the childs face. All in good fun.

Speaking of devious faces.

The water fight lasted for a good 45 minutes, and all children (and some adults) were soaked, mission accomplished.

After cleaning up and drying off we headed to Izzys Pizza for birthday girls dinner of choice. I have such pretty girls....did I already say that? Hazel is sporting her new dress and cowboy boots.

Nothing like a buffet to put a smile on your face.

**sigh. Look at that baby on her first birthday.  #blessedmommy (and I don't even have a Twitter account)


Ryan and Katie said...

Yay for the cheetoh game! Happy birthday hazel!

The Moores said...

Fun, fun! Only the best moms let the kids squirt shaving cream and throw Cheetos at each other :). Happy birthday Hazel! Wish we could've been there to help celebrate.

Oma Hagen said...

Looks like it was a great party. Wish we could have been there!

Shawn and Becky said...

Looks like a blast. Sad to have missed it. Cameron would have loved it. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

That was a fun party. Happy Birthday sweet Hazel. You are such a sweetie and just keep getting more beautiful every passing year. Grandma loves you bunches and bunches.