Monday, July 14, 2014

Braces Forever

Miss Violet decided to glam up the other day....She's going to regret letting me take this picture. Because this is the picture is going to be the reason I say "NO, not yet" when she asks for contacts, and why I am going to ask the orthodontist if we can keep her braces on until she's 18. I'm not sure what's going on with the "beauty mark" on her face though.


Oma Hagen said...

Oh. My. Goodness! Stop that Vioilet!!!!!!!!

Shawn and Becky said...

How did she get so grown up? She is gorgeous!

Probst Pride said...

Is today Thursday, do I have my days mixed up? Is it "Throw Back Thursday" and I didn't know! HOLY moly she looks just like you did when we were girls!!!!

Anonymous said...

She is definitely her mothers girl. So pretty. But, NOOOOOOO, you can't grow up yet. Love ya, MomakaGma