Monday, May 4, 2009

Rainy Monday

Sometimes ya just got nothing, to post about I mean.

Sure.... there are things going on. Wendys in town, I've been trying to "work out/wog" more often, I am working extra to cover shifts of people who have quit, trying (unsuccessfully) to keep up with housework . I want to spend more quality time with hubby and kiddos, no time to read or even cook a decent meal. But that's life right. I know there are those of you out there who also have a lot on your plate, and I guess I will use this blog to solicit advise on how you keep things in order. How do you keep your head from exploding into a million little pieces while you are spread out over a hundred different things like syrup on a pancake. And how do you accomplish the neccessary without losing the unneccessary (ie. movies, books, down time). How do you do it? What are your ideas?

Anyway...this blog just follows a late night and a crazy phone filled day at work. Happy Monday.


Shawn and Becky said...

My question . . . what is 'wog'? I don't feel like I do it all, but one thing that gets me through the day is asking for help, usually from Shawn. It helps me get through the day, you can't do it all on your own.

Kira said...

I just don't do it all. HA!! For real though, I just quit - usually when it comes to house work.