Wednesday, September 2, 2009

AVON Calling!

I have become an Avon Lady! Or I am going to give it a shot at least. They have a lot more than makeup and creams these days! I am really excited to get started, and I need your help! I think this will be the perfect addition to my part time work, fulltime wife/motherhood routine.

I have my own website:

Go ahead and check it out! I want to be your AVON Lady!!


Shawn and Becky said...

A few things . . . I love your new background. . your music - fabulous choices if you made them . . . and Avon humm . . . I haven't used it, but I'll take a look or let me know if you have some recommendations! Good luck with it.

The Woodards said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I can't afford for you to sell avon. Please stop.