Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cry About It

The first time I heard this song I cried. The second time I heard it I cried. Then I watched the video and I cried. Do you see a pattern? I know not everybody has emotional attachment issues like I do (right Carrie?). But whenever I hear this song I think of my house at 304 W 2nd St and I zoomed back to the comfort and security I felt when I lived there from the ages of 2-19. I could elaborate on all the childhood memories I have of that house and my life during those years, but that is a whole other blog post in itself! So here is the song that triggers my inner 10 year old sitting with my nightgown over the blowing heater vent at 6 o'clock in the morning, waiting for it to shut off so I can jump back into bed. Ahhh...the warmth of memory.........

I have thought about going back to 304 W 2nd St and asking to walk through it, but I don't think my heart could handle it. (I have also considered haunting it with window tapping or poking holes in the roof and infesting it with mice so that they will move out, and I can have it back.)


The Moores said...

I was watching this video on CMT just today and was thinking the exact same things! Mostly about all the great memories that I have there, not wanting to go back and walk through. Been there, done that and it wasn't the same.

Anonymous said...

I cried too. While driving by it just yesterday I wondered if I would ever stop getting a pain in my heart when I go by it. Love, Mom

The Woodards said...

I can't bring myself to watch it yet. Ryan told me not to today because he knew I would bawl. He told me the basis of the song and I keep tearing up just thinking of what it could be about. Maybe I'll be able to handle it tomorrow.