Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Don't worry... I am frustrating myself as much as I am frustrating those of you who check my blog on a regular basis. I have about a million things I could tell you about and show you pictures of, but I am have neither the time nor the inspiration to blog about them. So, until I find both of those I hope these next few blogs are satisfactory enough.

I have had the opportunity the past couple of months to read some wonderful books, and though most of you have probably read them already I thought I would share what they are and what I liked about them.

The Secret Life of Bees- I love books that can make you feel like you are right there with the characters, experiencing the culture, feeling the weather, emotionally bonding with the story. That is what this book did for me. I could feel the heat and humidity of the South Carolina summer when Lily and Rosaleen had to sleep outside the first night of their escape. I loved August for her kindness and May for her empathy and hated June for her rudeness. I felt sorry for Lily and Zach not being able to experience fully the feeling of having your first love, because of the ignorant and hateful time in history they found eachother. I enjoyed the movie as well, they did a good job of staying mostly with the book. However I think they made T Ray too likeable in the movie. As you can tell I highly recommend this one.

Over the past couple of years several people have recommended this book to me, and since the movie was coming out I figured I better get it read. And I am sooo glad I did. It was a bit confusing for me at first, and then I finally decided about half way through I had to quit thinking about it so hard. It's a time travel book, how seriously could I take it. After I got past that, I loved it! I love the love story! I saw the movie this past weekend (and I will be MORE THAN happy to see it again!!), and loved it too. I ,however, like the way the movie ended instead of how the book ended. 'Nough said. =)

This is the book I am currently reading. If I can find more than 15 minutes to read it I should be able to finish it by this weekend. So far it is very good. I will give you more opinion when I am done.

I have also read in the past few months Jane Eyre, Bridges of Madison County, and Firefly Lane. And I have at least 3 waiting in the wings, but if you have one that you have read that you think I should read in the near future please share!!


Anonymous said...

I haven't read Jane Eyre yet but I think I saw the movie and I haven't read The Namesake yet. Let me know if its any good. Can't wait to see the Time Travelers Wife and see how they changed the ending. I'll be sure to take my kleenex. I still recommend the Cat Who series. Course you'll probably not like it at all and you won't want to hurt my feelings by telling me how you really feel because you know how much I like it. But try it and go ahead and be brutally honest. I can take it. Love ya Mom

Oma Hagen said...

It took me quite a few pages, probably 100, to really get into The Time Traveler's Wife. It was really confusing at first, but then I ended up really enjoying it. We saw the movie last weekend, too. My opinion is that the movies are never even close to as good as the books, and that's still how I feel about it, even though they did a pretty good job with the movie. You just can't get enough detail in a two-hour movie! :-)